with my mind doing the mental calculating of the price, my eyes gawk at their beauty.
oh how i wish those are mine.
i always wish that some day mr jobs will let me loose in his store.
so that i can take this..

to blog anywhere and everywhere that i go,
and this...

to call and sms my loved ones,
and this.....

to edit anda touch up my photos and movies,
and this....

to play games and listen to my choice of songs which includes dangdut, slow rock and sing-a-long nursery rhymes.
ehh.. i already had this.
ohh..never mind, i can use this as a giveaway for my blog :)
ohh i wish....
wah..nk beli hp bru eh
Idak la syafiq. Guna yg lama je. Jimattt :)
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